Bath Bliss Curve Design Shower Caddy

Brand:Bath Bliss



Vitamix podžiga strasti. Zato mi; je blagovna znamka, ki ji najbolj zaupajo profesionalni kuharji. Vendar nas ne boste našli kar v kuhinjah restavracij. Najdete nas tudi v domačih kuhinjah po vsem svetu. Kajti ne glede na to, ali vas zanima kulinarična umetnost, sprejemanje bolj zdravih odločitev ali doma uživanje smutijev restavracijske kakovosti, ko ste pripravljeni iti naprej in napredovati, ko ste pripravljeni vlagati v svojo strast, ste pripravljeni na Vitamix. Ustvarjen za dolgotrajno uporabo, ugoden mešalnik ni ugoden, če ne traja. Vemo, da je nakup mešalnika Vitamix naložba. Mešalniki Vitamix pa so narejeni tako, da trajajo, kar vam pomaga pri nakupu zanesljivih, ne za enkratno uporabo. Enostavno čiščenje, samo zmešajte toplo vodo in kapljico detergenta za pomivanje posode pri najvišji hitrosti vašega stroja in opazujte, kako se sam očisti v 60 sekundah ali manj – razstavljanje ni potrebno. Razlika je v mešanici, saj je glavni razlog, da ljudje kupijo mešalnik, priprava smutijev, zato je pomembno, da jih pravilno pripravimo. Ne glede na to, ali vam je ljubša ledena mešanica ali popolnoma gladek puré E, bogat z zelenjavo, ali lahka, sadna poslastica, vam smutiji Vitamix nudijo okusno, enakomerno mešanico v vsakem požirku. Moč Ne želimo imeti največje konjske moči. Ne potrebujete več konjev; potrebujete usposobljene. Osredotočena moč našega celotnega mešalnega sistema povzroči, da vsaka komponenta stroja Vitamix deluje skupaj in ustvarja hitrejše, bolj gladke mešanice, polne okusa. Univerzalno orodje za pripravo smutijev in sokov, vročih juh, moke in testa, masla iz orehov, zamrznjenih sladic, testa, prelivov in omak, nemlečnega mleka itd. Proizvedeno v Clevelandu, Ohio ZDA

Ukrivljen dizajn. Enostavna montaža pod prho. Vsebuje različne kopalniške dodatke, kot so steklenice, gobice, britvice, milo in drugo. Štiri kavlji za dodatke za pralne krpe, luffe in drugo. Dvonadstropne police, vključno z ločenim podstavkom za milo. Odporen na vlago in rjo. Silikonski zamašek. 100% ŽELEZO.
Brand Bath Bliss
Color White
Finish Type White
Item Weight 1.25 Pounds
Material Iron
Mounting Type Wall Mount
Number of Compartments 2
Product Dimensions 4"D x 8.25"W x 18"H
Special Feature 2 Tier
Specific instructions for use Showers


3 Review
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star

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Scritto da: KB2187
This is TRUE Star Wars!
I read Dark Times recently, which is great stuff, and ever since I closed that fifth volume, I've been jonesing for some GOOD Star Wars. I'm not talking about the prequel crap. I want to be taken back to that place, back to how I felt as a kid, sitting in that dark theater, watching the miles of miles of Star Destroyer roll over my head for the first time. It's a classic now, but many have recommended Star Wars: Dark Empire. I picked it up a while back but just tonight sat down to crack the cover of this beautiful hardback that collects Dark Empire I and II, Empire's End, and the Dark Empire Handbook. The art is good. I understand it was superior for the day (Dark Empire I was conceived in 1988), but after looking at the amazing stuff in Dark Times, it's definitely a step down (but not bad at all). But, the story! My God, man! THIS IS STAR WARS!! I can tell, just by the first couple of pages, that the producers of this work LOVED Star Wars the way I do. I started reading, and turning the pages...and I stepped back in time. I was a kid again, in a dark theater, seeing a new Star Wars film that I had never seen before. In a few pages this book is doing what Lucas couldn't do in over 6 hours of the prequels. I want you to turn on your imagination for a moment...sit back, and in your minds eye, think of how the intro to this Star Wars story would be as a film.... The theater is dark. You've got your popcorn. You're excited. You're about to view some new Star Wars! Blam! The powerful score starts, and the opening title crawl begins to slide up the screen in front of you-- STAR WARS DARK EMPIRE Like all the Star Wars movies, this one starts in medias res--right in the middle of the action. You're acutely aware that time has not stopped in this universe while you were away. There are things you don't know--things that have happened. But, you're not privy to those events. All you know is what little you can learn from the opening title crawl. It is 10 years after the Battle of Yavin. The Rebel Alliance has morphed into the New Republic, but the Empire is not dead. Though the Emperor and Lord Vader are dead, Palpatine's Galactic Empire lives on and has recaptured much of its lost territory during th Rebellion. Even the capital, Coruscant, is now back in Imperial hands. But, not everything has gone well for the Empire. Members of the remnant are revolting against the traditionalists. The Empire is fighting a second civil war within itself, Imperial against Imperial, and the New Republic moves to take advantage of the situation. Master Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker and Lando Calrissian have captured an Imperial Star Destroyer, returning to Coruscant, where the Imperial Civil War is raging. During the fighting, the mammoth starship crashes on the surface of the world. And, the surviving New Republic soliders are holding out against the warring Imperials, waiting for rescue. The title crawl stops. "Man," you think to yourself,"....Wow. THIS is where the story BEGINS!" The gold letters of the title crawl have receded into the top of the screen. You're looking at deep, dark, space. The music cues up. And your point of view drops. Now, you see a world. Dark, but with billions of distant lights. Coruscant. Then, a hulk of space debris swings past you. Your view widens, and you realize that you're looking at a piece of a Star Destroyer. Millions of other starship pieces float past. Some of the ships are recognizable. Some are not. A huge space battle took place here. BOOM! The Millenium Falcon zips into view, exiting hyperspace. The ship begins to zip and zoom impossibly around the tight confines of the debris. C-3PO: "Sir! The odds of collision with the space debris are 3,722 to one...If I may suggest..." Chewbacca: "Rrrraaawwww!" Han (completely ignoring the droid): "Chewie! Watch your thrusters!" Two New Republic Frigates exit hyperspace immediately behind the Falcon. One begins maneuvers to navigate the debris, but the other is not as fortunate. It slams into another section of a destroyed Star Destoyer. The bow structure of the frigate explodes with the brightness of a sun. The long, cylindrical section that connects to the engineering hull snaps in two, and the rest of the ship, fire blazing from a thousand hull ruptures, begins to float and take its place in the starship graveyard. The Falcon dips form the debris cloud down into the atmosphere of Coruscant. In seconds, it is skimming the ground below. The surface of Coruscant looks much like its orbit. Buildings have toppled. Fighters and troop transports litter the sky. Men and machines maneuver around the ground debris. Blaster bolts make the surface of the world seem alive with bright, flashing impulses. With Chewie at the controls, Han and Leia take to the Falcon's gunwells. The craft expertly swoops by an Imperial Walker. Leia's touch on the firing controls blow the vehicle to smithereens. The crashed Star Destroyer is located. Lando and his troops are busy defending their postion. The Wookiee lands the freighter to give them a hand and begin the rescue. Lando: "What took you so long? Another honeymoon? We've been holed up here for days!" Then, a new Walker comes into view. All eyes go to the behemoth stepping towards them. The ground shakes with each of its steps. What are they going to do? Han! Chewie! Leia! Lando! There is a familiar figure at the rubble to the old Imperial Tower. The, it can't be! Darth Vader is dead! But, his outline is unmistakeable. And, he walks into the's Luke! The scene is one you'll never forget. The auditorium is quiet. Everyone is gripped by the events, glued to their seats. No one can take their eyes off the massive Imperial Walker, impossibly huge on the screen...and standing in front of it, a lone figure. Luke Skywalker. Master Jedi Knight. The turrets on the Walker angle and fire! Luke's lightsaber flashes into existence at the same moment. The hum of the weapon is loud, and the blast is deflected back to the control cabin on the Walker, obviously doing severe damage to the vehicle. Then, Luke's hand is proffered in front of him. In his head, he can hear the echoes of Master Yoda, "Size matter not--the only difference is in your mind." As Luke's fingers start to clench into a fist, the control cabin on the Walker begins to implode! It's as if a giant invisible hand has gripped the Walker's head and begun to sqeeze. Crushed! The Walker's head explodes, and the giant vehicle falls on its knees, then over on its side. Luke Skywalker. Master Jedi Knight. God! That's COOL! THAT'S why I've started reading comics. I can hear the voices in my head...SEE the action take place. When a comic is done well, it's an amzing experience unlike a novel or a movie. It's a combination of story-telling, visuals, and your own imagination. NONE of the prequels delivered this kind of Star Wars high for me. It's amazing. I'm addicted. Five Stars.
Scritto da: John C.
The story that rekindled my interest in Star Wars
"Dark Empire" was the series that rekindled my interest in Star Wars back whebn it was first published (I even liked it better than the Thrawn Trilogy, but that may be because I read this first). The story (especially the first part of the trilogy) was very well done and, though I did not care for "Dark Empire II" or "Empire's End" when they first came out (felt more like a retread of the original at the time), I found that they worked much better together as one single story, as presented here. The book itself has the dimensions of a standard hard cover novel and the cover depicted is a dust jacket, which somewhat disappointed me. (I was hoping for a gloss cover with the picture directly on.) The artwork inside will likely not be to everyone's taste (I was personally fine with it, but will describe it for anyone not yet familiar with the technique used in this series). It is watercolor and each frame tends to be painted in varying shades of one or two colors (everything in shades of red in one frame, everything then in shades of blue and/or green in the next). The characters themselves only slightly resemble their on screen appearances. This changes by the last installment, in which, though still watercolored, coloring is more traditional and the artist took greater effort to make the characters look like the actors that originally portrayed them. The biggest (and almost only) problem I had with this book, though, was that it lacked almost all of the cover artwork, which was the best artwork in the series. I found this to be just lazy on the publisher's part and is the main reason that one star has been removed.
Scritto da: Amazon Customer
Didn't Like It
The cover art for the "Dark Empire Trilogy" is beautiful. Each book in the trilogy is also prefaced with its own artwork, which I love. The paper is high quality, and the book is quite thick. Captions are easy to follow. Quality of the illustrations varies between books of the trilogy. I am writing the review as I read the book. My impressions as I finish each book of the trilogy: ***DARK EMPIRE*** I started reading the "Dark Empire Trilogy" because I wanted to see Luke descend into the Dark Side. It's referenced in so many future books and the idea was intriguing. I was not too impressed with "Dark Empire." The characters were not themselves. Han, especially. He didn't seem to give one iota about Luke. If Luke wants to stay in danger, let him be, he can take care of himself. The only reason he helps Luke is because Leia wants to. He and Luke are supposed to be like brothers, they'd give their lives for each other. Not here. Leia -- she looks like a guy through half the story, until they took off her hat and gave her long hair. Still, her body was boxy, not feminine. She is too much of a Jedi. At this point and beyond in other books, she is usually portrayed as having Force abilities but not wanting to deal with her Jedi heritage. Luke always has trouble getting her to practice. I'm not sure if the other books were written before or after this book, but I like the other Leia version better. Luke is okay. I don't like how he's drawn. He looks better on the cover art. His descent into the Dark Side is too quick, and he's not really all that dark. There are battle or fight scenes on almost every page. There's hardly any time to develop the characters or push the story along. It's all about action. Here's holding out for "Dark Empire II" . . . . ***DARK EMPIRE II*** Okay, so "Dark Empire II" did progress at a better pace, but I really had to push myself through this. There is just something wrong with all of a sudden finding Force users everywhere. It's bad enough that Palpatine is resurrected and Boba Fett comes back from the dead. (I don't care what the story says. If we thought they died, they died.) Now, we have a whole bunch of Jedi, and all those not-yet-Jedi sure learn quick. And the Dark Side has Force users, also. Why, the Emperor can even impart his powers on ordinary people and create his own Dark Knights! Each side has its own latest and greatest surprise weapon. When they bring it out, the other side counters with its own latest and greatest undefeatable weapon. They keep one-upping each other until it gets ridiculous. And there's romance. Don't blink. It happens fast. I hope this trilogy has a better ending . . . . ***EMPIRE'S END*** This was the best of the trilogy. The artwork was certainly better. Leia finally looked like a woman. The kids were cute. The characters' faces were more distinguishable. The story was shorter and there were battles, but it wasn't one big climactic battle after another with newer and better machines constantly being introduced. They took care of that in the other two books. I still have trouble with all the Force users all of a sudden (since now they know they have the Force) being able to use it like they were Jedi all along. Luke had intense training, and the Jedi before him studied for years. ***DARK EMPIRE HANDBOOK*** Included at the end of the book is a detailed review of each of the main characters, the weapons, ships and important locations in the trilogy. If you find yourself getting lost in the story, this is a good place to turn. ***OVERALL IMPRESSION*** I actually did not enjoy this graphic novel, but I think it is important in the Expanded Universe. It is referenced so many times in future books. Read this story if you are interested in how Luke went to the Dark Side, how he met Kam Solusar, or if you want to see Palpatine's resurrection and destruction. If it did not have so many important elements, I would actually give it two stars.

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