Laserska igračka za mačke PetSafe Dancing Dot – Interaktivne potrebščine za hišne ljubljenčke – Notranji – Lajša tesnobo – Laserski vzorec podoben hroščem – Prostoročno – Obesite na kljuko ali postavite na dvignjeno površino – Igrajte – celodnevni način




Leta 1937 je Sir Hans Krebs, nemški britanski biokemik, odkril Krebov cikel ali cikel citronske kisline in definiral osnovni cikel ustvarjanja energije v vseh živih bitjih, za kar je kasneje prejel Nobelovo nagrado. Flora Viv Prolifera je zasnovana tako, da zagotavlja ključne sestavine Krebovega cikla in deluje kot visokokakovosten vir ogljika, brez strupenih sestavin, ki jih imajo nekateri konkurenčni izdelki. Posebej uporaben je v akvarijih z veliko rastlinami in bo spodbujal pospešeno rast rastlin in mikrobov, ki so kritičnemu akvariju prijazni. Flora Viv Prolifera vsebuje tudi izvleček alg, za katerega je znano, da pospešuje rast sladkovodnih rastlin, huminske in fulvinske kisline ter aminokisline za spodbujanje bioloških ciklov. Izdelki Flora Viv ne vsebujejo strupenega policikloglutaracetala ali glutaraldehida. Uporabite gnojilo Flora Viv z več hranili kot svoj glavni vir hranil za rastline, nato pa uporabite ta izdelek, Flora Viv Prolifera za dodajanje ogljika in hranila Krebovega cikla za pospešitev rasti rastlin in podporo akvariju z veliko rastlinami. Hkratna uporaba Bacter Gen F za vzpostavitev in vzdrževanje rasti ustreznih mikroorganizmov in recikliranje akvarijskih hranil bo zelo koristila vsem rastlinam in akvarijskemu ekosistemu. Po potrebi uporabite Flora Viv Grow za zagotovitev dodatnega dušika za akvarije z veliko rastlinami. Rast vseh fotosintetskih organizmov zahteva tudi močno osvetlitev ustreznega spektra. Posvetujte se s svojim dobaviteljem razsvetljave za pomoč pri pravilni vrsti svetlobe in obdobjih fotografiranja za rastline, ki jih gojite. Postavite veliko vprašanj, da dobite najboljši sistem osvetlitve za svoj akvarij.

PODPORA V ZDA: Strokovnjaki za pomoč strankam znamke PetSafe s sedežem v ZDA vam bodo z veseljem pomagali. ZAGOTOVLJENA KAKOVOST: Blagovna znamka PetSafe je že skoraj 30 let zaupanja vreden svetovni vodja na področju vedenja hišnih ljubljenčkov, zadrževanja in življenjskega sloga; pomagamo hišnim ljubljenčkom in njihovim ljudem živeti srečno skupaj. NIČ VEČ DOLGČASA: Način Play-All-Day vklopi igračo za 15-minutne intervale vsaki 2 uri do 6 ur, kar daje skupno 3 seje igranja. SPODBUJA ZDRAV ŽIVLJENJSKI SLOG: Naključni vzorci in gibi laserja ohranjajo vašo mačko pred izzivom in jo pritegnejo, tako da spodbujajo njene naravne nagone za lovljenjem, zalezovanjem in napadom. NAČRTOVANI ČASI IZSTOPA: Način počitka med sejami preprečuje, da bi bila vaša mačka prekomerno stimulirana, in ohranja igro vznemirljivo. DVIGNITE IGRALNI ČAS: igračo postavite na dvignjeno, ravno površino ali jo obesite na kljuko za širše in hitrejše premikanje laserja. 2 NAČINA IGRANJA: Načina za enkratno igranje in igranje za cel dan vam omogočata, da svojo mačko zabavate, tudi ko vas ni doma. VARNO ZA LJUBLJENČKE: Plešoča pika ima certificiran laser razreda 1, ki je popolnoma varen za igro vaše mačke; igrača potrebuje 3 AAA baterije (niso priložene).
Country of Origin China
Item model number PTY00-17050
Manufacturer Radio Systems Corporation
Product Dimensions 5 x 5 x 6 inches; 8.47 Ounces


12 Review
5 Star
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2 Star
1 Star

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Scritto da: Cory Kaushakis
Great concept, imperfect application
I bought this for our 2 cats who are OBSESSED with the red laser dot. Any time I even touch the drawer where the laser is kept, I have cats practically suffocating me to try and get into it. So, to find a less dramatic way of keeping them entertained, I turned to Amazon and found this product. It seemed like a perfect solution: hit the switch, watch them have fun, and 10 minutes or so later it would turn off. There are 2 issues with this: 1. Unless you have a high enough perch for it, this laser doesn’t have a very wide range. About 7’ seemed about right for decent coverage. And that perch had better be stable, because this thing falls over quite easily due to the pivoting laser pointer inside. Mine fell more than once until I found a good spot. 2. This laser moved fairly quickly, and there is no way to adjust the speed it seems. Our cats loved watching it, but it wasn’t ever in one spot long enough for them to actually chase it. Perhaps our cats are a tad lazy, but it’s something to be aware of. A final comment: The laser itself is bright, and the case seems sturdy. If you feel the above quirks aren’t problematic, I would say this is a good purchase.
Scritto da: Alexander Hollingworth
Product works great to exercise my hyper dog.
Product works great , just wish it had a battery pack with charger, or sealed battery usb charger use it 3x a day.
Scritto da: Lana Wedman
My cats love the laser tail
Driver put it in the correct place but it was not necessary to yell amazon
Scritto da: christie a fanguy
Just at advertised
I like that you can hang it or put it on a table edge. Seems to work as advertised, our dog like it.
Scritto da: Susan H.
Daughters Cats
They love it!! It’s fun to watch them trying to jump on the red light
Scritto da: Jeanne Barkemeijer de Wit
Best Laser toy EVER ::: sort of :::
I enjoy getting up at the crack of dawn. It's quiet in the house, almost all our critters (two retired racing greyhounds, a boredor and our Siamese) are piled up on my husband's bed ::: all of them happily sleeping away. (Two other cats sleep in our garage) The only problem is I rarely get to enjoy my quiet time alone. Doesn't matter that my husband's room and mine are in different parts of the house, with MANY doors and walls between us ::: because Tanya (our mutant Siamese) has freakishly good hearing. As a result, ANY time I get up during the night, be it to visit the you-know-what, or simply get a glass of water ::: Tanya magically appears upon my back (it's a Siamese thing) nuzzling my ears. When we adopted Tanya we purchased her a laser toy (affectionately nick-named "click click" for the sound it makes). Tanya was instantly addicted to "click click". What was fun and cute in the beginning ::: became a royal nuisance ::: as Tanya NEVER wanted to stop playing "click click". "Meow ::: MEOW ::: MEOOOOOW" OK already, enough. Most mornings ::: should I chose to ignore her pleadings she begins practicing an ancient form of Siamese acupuncture on my right leg. Why my left leg you might ask ::: because that's the one closest to the mouse in my right hand. Unfortunately way too many of my leggings were serrated in the process ::: and my right leg is covered with dozens of tiny pin pricks. The solution (after 20 minutes spent cursing while swatting Tanya's razor sharp claws off my right leg): get up and silently pad around the house with "click click" in my hand ::: Tanya happily sauntering behind. I love Tanya ::: I NEED to walk, so why not do both early in the morning?! Because then Pupper, our boredor (half border collie, lab) wakes up and wants to chase after the light ::: pissing off the cat. Once Pupper wakes up, so do the boys Harvey and Raleigh (retired racing greyhounds) ::: neither of which want anything to do with the laser. "Treats! Treats! We want Treats!" Harvey's way of begging for treats consists of a loud "LOVE YOU" barked at around 200 decibels. Loud enough to wake up all of Anaheim, let alone my poor unsuspecting husband. So I give ALL the dogs a treat and then let them out into the yard to do their morning business ::: at which time Tanya's back on my back (pun intended) meowing for more "click click" time. Getting the dogs back into the house is chaos ::: happy chaos, but still chaos. The first thing they do is run back into my husband's bedroom and cover him with sloppy dog kisses. At which point the husband gets up to let them out to do their morning business ::: which he doesn't know has already transpired. The image of him, looking just like Dr. Emmett "Doc" Brown (Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future), stumbling to the sliding glass door, is forever etched upon my heart. By then the sun's coming up and my quiet morning time is basically shot to hell. When I saw the FroliCat BOLT Interactive Laser Pet Toy, I got a glimmer of hope. Something to take Tanya and Pupper's attention away from me (and my tortured right leg). So I ordered it and waited, hope blossoming in my heart. A few days later my husband brought a box to me. "Is this what you've been waiting for?" We quickly opened the box ::: inserted the batteries (not included) and placed the FroliCat on the ground between us. When I pressed the button, it softly whirred to life ::: tiny red light dancing across the living room floor. Tanya sprang after it. For 15 glorious minutes Tanya darted back and fort after the light. SUCCESS! Unfortunately Tanya's prancing eventually attracted Pupper ::: who quickly decided she wanted in on the game. Pupper is four times Tanya's size. Smart cat that she is, Tanya quickly exited the room. We have an other cat, a small Bengal named Mookie, who is most definately NOT intimidated by ANY of our dogs. So we reset the button on the FroliCat BOLT Interactive Laser Pet Toy ::: then sat back to watch Mookie and Pupper attack the red dot on the living room floor. When the 15 minutes were up, and the FroliCat turned itself off ::: Mookie and Pupper lay down on the ground waiting for it to start up again. They were sleeping together, next to the the FroliCat, when I left the room. This morning when I got up to type on my computer ::: Tanya was waiting. So I fired up the FroliCat and set out to enjoy my quiet time. Tanya looked at the FroliCat and the light dancing across my office carpet. She walked over to the FroliCat, carefully stuck her paw into the hole ::: then pulled back and slugged it. I picked it up, set it on the ground, and she whacked it again. I swear she was laughing at me. Tanya jumped up onto the table where I'd placed "click click" and meowed. Morning had begun. As I sit typing this, she's been lovingly applying Siamese acupuncture to my right leg.
Scritto da: Cataptra
Gets stuck too often - no reverrse - motor can't be turned off - time limitation
What I disliked about this Laser Tail toy for my cats: #1. It gets stuck too often when it hits a wall or ends up under at the bottom ok kitchen countertops. If the toy had a full reverse only when it hits something that prevents it from turning or backing up to get itself unstuck would be very beneficial. My cats love the toy, but they get annoyed when the Laser Tail constantly gets stuck and quits moving around for them to chase the laser light. #2. The motor can't be turned off when using it as a hand operated laser toy. To make this an amazing cat toy, it needs a switch to shut the motor off when hand-held so that only the laser light is active. It is contoured perfectly for hand-held use, but the motor running when in this mode just helps kill the batteries in the unit. Having an option just to use the laser allow the batteries to last much longer in this kitty toy. #3. It has a time limit of 15 minutes, far too short for my kitties! I had to keep powering the unit on after its time limit of 15 minutes expired. It would be much better if there was a time select option for the end user. 15 minutes is way too short! My cats played with this Laser Tail toy for over 2 hours, having to constantly turn it on every 15 minutes gets old real fast. 8 times in a 2-hour period is too much. I'd prefer to see time interval options starting at a minimum of 30 minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour or a constant ON option just for the MOTORIZED aspect of the toy. The laser should just be ON or OFF. #4. The power switch is on the bottom, so every time the timer runs out you have to literally pick up the toy to start it up again. If this button were on top, when it stops and the cats start investigating why did my prey stop moving, and they hit the button with their paw, it'd start moving again and the chase would be back on. If it weren't for these 4 things, my rating of 3 stars would have been 5 stars. What I liked about the toy: It's self-propelled, which kept my cats coming back for more, but when it shut down, they got very upset and started crying their toy wasn't working {so they thought}, until I turned it on again. But having to pick up the toy to turn it on, too me, somewhat defeats the toys purpose. As my cats look at me like why are you picking up our toy? Are you taking it away? No kitties, I'm not, I have to do this to restart it for you. It was really fun and funny watching my cats play with this toy, but not so fun {for me} having to pick it up to turn it back on every 15 minutes. All in all, I'd still recommend the toy, despite its shortcomings. My cats really love it, and after their 2-hour playtime with it, they were worn out and went off to take themselves a kitty nap. But when they woke up, they started asking for their new toy, the Laser Tail again for more playtime. I just wish the end user had more options in its use.
Scritto da: Peter Friedrich
Laserklasse 2 und vollautomatisch: viel zu gefährlich für Katzenaugen!
1* bekommt der Artikel von mir, da er ohne Probleme zurückgeschickt werden kann. Für die Funktionsweise, bzw. vielmehr für deren Folgen gibt es null**. Auf dem Gerät kleben immerhin Warnaufkleber und es wird mit Laserklasse 2 ausgewiesen. In solche Laser sollte man bestenfalls nur eine viertel Sekunde hineinblicken. Das Gerät, auf den Boden gestellt und in Funktion gebracht, verleitet Katzen dazu, nicht nur den Point zu verfolgen sondern auch dessen Quelle zu beobachten was heisst: sie starren genau in den Laserspiegel! Das Gerät ist viel zu gefährlich für Katzenaugen, also bitte aus dem Sortiment nehmen! Im Unterschied zu Laserpointern die man so ausrichten und bewegen kann, dass die Katzen genau nicht in den Pointer schauen.
Scritto da: MWL
Weak - nothing like the video at all.
The media could not be loaded. NOTHING LIKE THE VIDEO. The lasers are barely visible. In the picture I’ve attached, you’ll see on the left is a normal laser pointer for cats and on the right is from this thing. The cats barely notice it unless it’s in a pitch black room. Also, it’s very slow. Not stimulating for the cats at all - or maybe they don’t see the lasers. The lasers aren’t adjustable and go out very wide from the base. Forget about putting this on the table or in a small room. Overall, this is a terrible product. Not much thought was put into it.
Scritto da: Coeur De Noir
Is this the best cat toy ever? (Yes!)
Is this the best cat toy ever? I think so. And I'm sure the cat thinks so too. It runs for 15 minutes and then turns off which is about perfect (cat starts to tire after 10 minutes and is bored at 15). It provides a laser red dot for your cat to chase around and the movement suitably variable to keep him interested - including pausing for a few seconds to keep him interested. We keep ours on a shelf about a metre off the floor tilted down so that the dot roams about the floor but occasionally up the wall. Well worth the 5 stars the money. I had a slight issue with the first one but a free replacement came very quickly (thank you). When this is off my cat sits on the floor looking up at it. I think he wants me to switch it on but I try to do it only once a day so he doesn't get bored with it. It is a little noisy - sounds a bit like a child's wind up toy.
Scritto da: Nina3d
Thank you FroliCat Bolt inventor!
Wow! This is BRILLIANT! Within one week my cat had got addicted to the pen style laser dot toy and was driving me insane for more of it. But it's boring for hours, holding the button and waving it around! Every time I picked up anything - remote, phone, pen, envelope - he'd start up, frantically looking for the red dot and meowing when it didn't appear. I tried withdrawal therapy for a week in the hope he'd forget it ever existed. No joy. 10 mins ago I powered up this wonderful invention and set it up in the hall (because of reviews warning the dot might go high). I can hear the cat leaping around, throwing himself up walls - he seems very content. And it leaves me free to write a review! I'd definitely recommend this toy. Other reviewers have said their cat didn't like it as much as the hand operated one and I can see why - it doesn't do the round and round in circles - but my tactic of refusing to play with that for a week made him wild for any red moving dot! Two very happy customers in this household.
Scritto da: Enuff Said
OMG....Best Cat Toy Ever!
Why did I not buy this years ago? I've had this three days & it's hardly been off. My indoor cat is obsessed with trying to catch this laser light. The slight mechanical noise has not put her off,it means play time to her now & she is exercising all her natural instincts (and exercising running around) without depleting the population of birds & small animals. I thought she would get frustrated at not being able to 'catch' the light,but it is the 'hunt',as it constantly moves that has her hooked. I think where you place it is key,as it leaps about she can't always find the beam,if it goes from floor to ceiling for example. But you can adjust the mirror in the unit and obviously whether you put it on the floor or higher up affects the positioning of the beam. I put it on the floor so she runs up and down my hallway. It has a timer and will turn off after 15 minutes. Too early to know how battery hungry it is,but as I said three days & it's still going strong. Yes, a handheld pen will do the same thing for less money,but my reality was I needed to stop way before my cat wanted to. I didn't buy this before because of bad reviews,in my case that was a mistake I thankfully have now rectified.

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