Pasji pas PetSafe Deluxe Easy Walk - Martingale Loop z D-obročem preprečuje vlečenje - Pripomoček za usposabljanje in vedenje - Odsevnost izboljša vidljivost pri šibki svetlobi - Udobna podloga - Jeklo/črna - M Jeklo/črna srednja




POPOLNOMA NOV topel pulover za hišne ljubljenčke z licenco vaše najljubše športne ekipe s čudovitim vezenjem logotipa ekipe iz trpežnih in prefinjenih materialov! Naj bo vaš kosmati prijatelj udoben in prijeten s tem puloverjem za pse Pets First NFL! Psi in mačke so naši dobri prijatelji, radi so tudi poskrbljeni in topli! Ta udoben in lep topel pulover NFL za hišne ljubljenčke je odličen način, da vašemu ljubljenčku zagotovite toplo in udobno. Naj vaš pes na dan tekme obleče našo super kul jopico za hišne ljubljenčke lige NFL z osupljivim timskim dizajnom!! Odličen način za izkazovanje podpore in podajanje izjave! PODPRITE SVOJO ligo in spodbudite goste svoje zabave k pogovoru! Z imenom ekipe in logotipom, izvezenim na pulover, bo vaš hišni ljubljenček poln ponosa, ko bo nosil to elegantno pasjo jopico z licenco NFL! PRAVILNO ZA MRZLE ZIMSKE SPREHODE NA PROSTEM: Vaš kosmati prijatelj mora iti ven na sprehod, ne glede na to, kako mrzlo je, ali je deževno, sneženo, ledeno ali samo hladno ... VI; kot odgovoren lastnik hišnih ljubljenčkov morate narediti svoj del, da bo vaš štirinožni dojenček srečen, zdrav, varen in udoben! Je kreativno oblikovan z odprtinami za roke, ki so dovolj velike, da se lahko vaš pes udobno sprehaja in si olajša, ko je čas za kahlico (gre na stranišče). Opremljen z režo za pritrditev povodca za priročno pritrditev na ovratnico vašega psa. Maksimalno udobje, vzdržljivost in udobje! Pri Pets First svoje izdelke ustvarjamo z mislijo na najboljše interese vašega kosmatega prijatelja. TOPLE, DIŠEČE IN RAZTEGLJIVE: Popolne za mrzle zimske dni ali za sprehod v hladni noči. Naš pasji pulover je narejen iz mehkih in udobnih pletenin, ki ščitijo pred vlago, kot sta sneg in dež. Poleg tega zadržuje topel zrak, tako da je vašemu psu vedno toplo in udobno. Pleteni materiali niso predebeli, zato ga lahko vaš pes nosi ves dan in nosi tudi v zaprtih prostorih. Enostaven za oblačenje in sezuvanje, preprosto potisnite psa čez glavo. Pripravljeni ste, da svojega psa peljete na sprehod – tudi v hladnem vremenu! Privoščite si nekaj prepotrebne vadbe s svojim kužkom v vseh letnih časih s tem čudovitim pasjim puloverjem. Dodajte v svojo košarico še danes in postanite ponosni lastnik puloverja za pse Pets First NFL! Ta COOL PET PULOVER je na voljo v večini EKIP NFL: Arizona Cardinals, Atlanta Falcons, Baltimore Ravens, Buffalo Bills, Carolina Panthers, Chicago Bears, Cincinnati Bengals, Cleveland Browns, Dallas Cowboys, Denver Broncos, Detroit Lions, Green Bay Packers, Houston Texans, Indianapolis Colts, Jacksonville Jaguars, Kansas City Chiefs, Los Angeles Chargers, Los Angeles Rams, Miami Dolphins, Minnesota Vikings, New England Patriots, New Orleans Saints, New York Giants, New York Jets, LA Raiders, Philadelphia Eagles, Pittsburgh Steelers, San Francisco 49ers, Seattle Seahawks, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Tennessee Titans in Washington Commanders Team. Medtem ko kupujete to najbolj kul športno majico za svojega hišnega ljubljenčka, zakaj ne bi kupili naše ujemajoče se OPREME NFL NFL PET GEAR? NFL OVRATNICE, NFL TEE SHIRTS, NFL DRESI, NFL Pet Puloverji, NFL Pet Leashes, NFL Pet Bandane, NFL Pet Igrače, NFL Pet Reverzibilne Bandane, NFL Pet Blazine, NFL Pet Prevleke za Avtosedež, NFL Ovratnice za Mačke, NFL Igrače za praskanje mačk, plastenka za vodo NFL za pse, zložljiva skleda NFL .... Kupite celotno zbirko hišnih ljubljenčkov NFL in zagotovo boste PRIPRAVLJENI na ŠENO VELIKO ZMAGO!!! Licence: Pets First ima pridobljene licence pri Major League Baseball (MLB), Major League Baseball Players Association (MLBPA), National Football Association (NFL), National Football Players Association (NFLPA), National Hockey League (NHL), National Basketball Association ( NBA), REALTREE, LAUR DIY, JOHN DEERE več kot 50 najboljših fakultet v državi (NCAA). NOVI generični izdelki za hišne ljubljenčke: specializirani tudi za blazinice za šolanje: Ker odnos z našimi strankami še naprej cveti, smo predstavili NAJBOLJŠE BLAŽNICE ZA URSELANJE PSE WEE DOG PADS na trgu! Oglejte si Pets First Pet Products na Amazonu. Iščete več nelicenciranih izdelkov za hišne ljubljenčke, vendar VISOKE KAKOVOSTNOSTI? Pets First je zdaj lansiral generično linijo, ki vključuje priljubljene spodnje izdelke; Pets First Premium vadbene blazinice, Pets First Premium krtača za nego, Pets First Premium samočistilna krtača, glavnik Pets First Premium, strižnik za nohte Pets First Premium, brusilnik za nohte Pets First Premium, krtača za kopanje Pets First Premium, igrače za mačke Pets First Premium, Pets First Premium Dog Scissors več... Preprosto poiščite na Amazonu našo opremo za hišne ljubljenčke Premium Pets First in DODAJTE V VOZIČEK ZDAJ! Ko ste lastnik hišnih ljubljenčkov, ste del družine Pets First! Pri Pets First vas bomo vedno pokrili!

OBLJUBA KAKOVOSTI: Blagovna znamka PetSafe je od leta 1998 zaupanja vreden svetovni vodja na področju vedenja hišnih ljubljenčkov, zadrževanja in življenjskega sloga, ki pomaga ohranjati vašega ljubljenčka zdravega, varnega in srečnega. POMOČ STRANKAM IZ ZDA: Naši strokovnjaki za izdelke za hišne ljubljenčke so tu, da vam in vašemu hišnemu ljubljenčku pomagajo in so vam na voljo po telefonu, e-pošti ali klepetu, če imate kakršna koli vprašanja. BREZSKRBEN NAKUP: Ne glede na to, ali pomotoma kupite napačno velikost ali pa vaš pes svojo oprsnico zamenja za igračo za žvečenje, naši strokovnjaki za pomoč strankam z veseljem pomagajo pri zamenjavi ali spreminjanju velikosti. HITRO IN ENOSTAVNO NAMESTITEV: Ramenski in trebušni pasovi, ki se hitro zaskočijo, vam omogočajo, da najlonski pas zlahka namestite na svojega psa; manj pokritosti kot mnogi drugi pasovi, ki ohranjajo vašega mladička hladno. NIČ VEČ DAVENJA IN DUŠENJA: Oprsnica varno nadzoruje rahlo do zmerno vlečenje tako, da se namesto na grlu vašega psa nasloni na prsi. UČI BOLJŠEGA OBNAŠANJA POVODCA: Patentirana martingalna zanka in nastavek za sprednji prsni povodec zmanjšata vlečenje vašega psa tako, da ga nežno usmerjata v smeri, v katero ste namenjeni. DEDIŠČINA ZAUPANJA: To oprsnico je ustvaril veterinarski strokovnjak za obnašanje, vsako leto pa ji zaupa milijon pasjih staršev in trenerjev. DELUXE RAZLIČICA: Vsebuje podložene trakove iz neoprena za hladno udobje in odsevne trakove za nočno varnost.
Brand PetSafe
Color Steel/Black
Country of Origin China
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No
Item model number EWH-D-HC-M-STL
Manufacturer Radio Systems Corporation
Material Nylon
Pattern Solid
Product Dimensions 1.78 x 5.25 x 9.5 inches; 7 Ounces
Size Medium


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Scritto da: Kathy LaFollett
Worth every dime.
There's no accounting for taste. It's the least of my concerns though. Walking Angus has been a challenge since he realized he was big enough to pull. Reactive and pully, that's Angus on a leash. After a year and half of that training struggle a rescue volunteer at a local shelter recommended a harness for walking. And not just any harness. This thing is the holy grail of harnesses. This thing removed all the fear reactions and pulling from our walks. So much so I look forward to taking him out for a few miles of neighborhooding. We walk 83rd Avenue toward the bank on the corner. There's three police cruisers, and five police officers and an SUV parked on the curb, in the turn lane on our side. Any other day, I'd avoid this scenario. Lights, radios, people gathered. Not now. The harness of epicness makes me as confident as Angus. We walk alongside the policing event. Two officers are waiting at the trunk of a cruiser. Not at all tense. "That's a good looking dog you have." "Thank you. His name is Angus." He points to my Sweetwater T shirt advertising all things guitar, "Like the musician?" "Yup!" He nods and we continue our walk. A young guy walks up to us, relaxed and not really interested in meeting Angus, but definitely interested in seeing him. "Wow. He's part horse, huh?" "We call him Stupid Pony for a reason. Angus is hilarious." "He's a cool dog." We walk on MLK, across from a large shopping center. Heavy traffic, horns, engines, people crossing blinky lighted cross walks. Voices, buzzes and the like. It used to be a curse to attempt. Now with his harness, he walks proud and confident. A speeding hover round carrying a highly energized woman comes barreling toward him exclaiming, "What a beautiful dog! Can I say hello?" Her smile is a big as her chair is heavy, and her voice is as rapid as the mph she's pulling with that thing. I ask Angus to sit. He does. I step between Angus and the oncoming woman on wheels. I see Angus' stress level going up via his eyebrows. "Wait. He's never seen one of these hover rounds, slow down." "OH! Well I can walk." She jumps out of this motorized thing and moves quickly to Angus, hand out. She has the top of her hand showing for him to sniff. She thinks this is some sort of good idea. "Wait. Slow down. Talk to me first, okay? I'm working his training." "Oh sure! I have a golden with some catahoula in him, he's catahoula isn't he?" Angus hasn't left his stress behind yet. And I'm not going to ask him to absorb hers. I invade her personal space forcing her to step back one step. "Yup, he's a catty. He's a good boy. His name is Angus. You'll have to say hello and wait to see if he wants to visit." She seems agreeable enough, and I step aside a bit allowing Angus to decide what option he'd like. She extends her hand again, and he smells it. He looks past her to the hover round, then up to me. "It's okay Bangus. You can say hello." He stands now, and takes two steps to her and accepts a head petting. "Wow he's pretty." Angus agrees and wags his tail. She jumps back on her red hover round and thanks him for his time and says good bye to me. This couldn't have happened a month ago. And this couldn't have happened without this harness of epicness. We walk further. A bike comes from behind, the rider zooms past us. Angus doesn't notice or care. A jogger approaches from afar, on our sidewalk. Angus takes note, and decides she's not worth his effort. "He's a pretty dog." She says as she passes. Angus looks over his shoulder to watch her progress away from us. A man walks past us now, pauses to compliment Angus and his leash etiquette. "What a great dog!" We walk. We walk happily, the leash draped in my hand relaxed. Angus is nose to ground now. We're in front of the retirement condo village. Roughly 453 yorkie terriers and shih tzu pee in this area. He is identifying species. His nose is on, his brain is off. And I'm far too relaxed. He lunges slightly forward and gobbles up some godawful looking mass of some thing that tickles my gag reflex. Too fast, too late, and he's already working it. There's discarded napkins nearby. My hope is the lawn crew carelessly left lunch pieces behind. The question is how old, and what comes next? There is no accounting for taste. Today is day two of Angus borfering randomly and soft serve ice creaming instead of pooping. His attitude, food and water intake are all intact. His digestion is simply letting him know he sucks. But this harness, this harness does not suck. Every dog person should have this harness. He is happier when wearing it. He loves putting it on. He loves his walks. And because of this, Angus is more socialized successfully on every single walk. I love this harness. I am not loving what is coming out of Angus' butt though.
Scritto da: Tesi
I have 3 dogs, one of which is slightly over a year old. We walk the dogs around our block 4 laps a night (equivalent of 2 miles). It's been a little rough with the younger one. This harness came today. I put it on my younger dog and proceeded to walk. Right out of the gate, IMMEDIATELY, there was a HUGE difference! He didn't tug or pull at all! I was shocked. I handed the leash off to my husband telling him, "Seriously! Try this! Walk him for a second! This is great!" Walking the 3 dogs at the same time has become slightly crazy lately as all 3 dogs are different ages so they walk at different speeds and tugging factors. This harness will slow the youngest one down so the oldest one isn't having to walk at such a brisk pace. We have gone through numerous (alleged) no-pull harnesses over the course of the years for various dogs of various ages and sizes. None of them have worked. NONE! I had about given up, thinking no-pulls were a gimmick. I'm so thankful I broke down and tried one more.
Scritto da: Daniel B
I wish this was the first harness I had purchased.
I had purchased several types of products that were to address the pulling of a large dog. This one actually works. When clipped into front chest harness ring, she will be spun around and facing me, if she reacts to a squirrel or rabbit. Walks are a lot calmer now. Money well spent. It’s well made, simple to put on and remove.
Scritto da: Emily
Walking 100-Lb Lab is a Breeze!
This harness promised easy walking for extreme pullers and it does not disappoint! I can now easily (and safely!) walk my dog with one hand while pushing a stroller with the other. Not only did it minimize the impact of pulling in the beginning, but not my dog is finally learning not to pull at all! We often walk comfortably with a loose lead now. The only negative is that harness needs to be adjusted so that it fits in a very specific way for it to work effectively. It took a lot of adjusting to fit my somewhat awkwardly shaped pup.
Scritto da: City Girl
Tangles hair
I’m a new dog owner and this is my favorite no pull harness. However my dogs hair was very matted after using it.
Scritto da: KAshton
MAJOR improvement
My dog does not pull on this, stopped pulling instantly. He is, however, very leash reactive with other dogs, so we are using this in conjunction with a gentle leader and plan to graduate to using only this once he has progressed...if you have a reactive lunger, I'd opt for the head leader for more control. If your dog is just a puller, this is the best! Highly reccomend.
Scritto da: Sarah Karafelis
A life saver
This harness is a life saver for dog owners whos dog drags you along on walks. It magically keeps my 65lb husky at my side.i got a large for him but a medium would have fit as hes on the tightest setting on this
Scritto da: Michael E. St Onge
My dogs like it and I like it
This harness properly installed allows you to place the lead of your leash below the neck of your dog and you get to control the dog from pulling you. This works great and it may be time to buy a few new ones because they are wearing out but they still holding up! If you’re tired of your dog, pulling you because your lease is attached to the shoulder blades and this is the one I get because you connect to lead to their chest therefore they are not pulling you
Scritto da: Chelsea
Almost perfect.
This harness is good and definitely my favourite harness out of every other brand I’ve tried. PetSmart only carrie’s size’s S, M, and L. My dog was in between size M & L, so the M/L on amazon fits perfectly. Each harness is extremely adjustable, however I’d make sure it fits fairly snug on the dog. If the harness is too snug and they’re wearing it for a long period of time, this could be unsafe and really hurt them. Only fit it snug for walks and other short intervals. My dog is a rescue and can be reactive on leash. I needed a harness that I felt safe walking him in and one that I had more control. The “no pulling” aspect definitely works if you compare it to your typical collar or leash. The buckles loosens up on their own while out for a walk and such, but it’s not that big of a deal to tighten it before the next walk. I actually recommend tightening it everyday anyways to ensure safety and efficiency. Please be weary that if it gets too loose, your dog CAN SLIP OUT OF IT. Keep an eye on how loose it’s getting. My dog was rolling around on his back and managed to actually get both of his arms out which could have been bad.
Scritto da: Jamil Husain
Chewed through week 1
Excellent product but chewed trough by my dog in week 1. I have had 2 meet the same fate so will go for a different, cheaper option!
Scritto da: ArchangelApprentice
Stops pulling!
I have a husky shepherd cross who likes to pull. I tried pronged collars, expensive and time consuming dog trining lessons, e-collars, and various types of collars including Murphy collars and soft lead collars. None of them worked in stopping my dog from pulling on the leash. However, this harness was an immediate game changer. My dog no longer pulls or lunges toward other dogs who approach. Instead he walks safely beside me and our walks have never been more relaxing and enjoyable.
Scritto da: k
Much bigger than the regular version
My small dogs used the regular Easy Walk harness for years. I bought the deluxe version in the same size and it was so much larger that it only fits with a sweater underneath. I couldn't size it down enough to really fit properly. That's ok, we will just use it as a winter harness. It's very sturdy and well made. Just be aware that if you have small dogs, the sizing is not the same as the regular version.
Scritto da: Kaitlyn
Works well but hasn’t lasted long
I really liked using this on my 90lb Bernese/Lab mix but after having to replace them three times, I finally switched to Rex Eze Range Head Collar. The deluxe harness is comfy and works well but for some reason they kept splitting in the front. I have no idea why, they looked like they had been sliced in the same spot with a knife. It was on the chest of all three, where my dog would have a hard time chewing and there were never chew marks and the harness was only on for walks. My only other gripe is having to switch the side of the leash each time, I found that annoying. Otherwise it doesn’t pull him to the side probably to stop him from pulling you. Now he uses a halter that pulls at the back of the head evenly and it works even better! And no switching sides! That being said this harness does work, it’s comfy and it’s reflective which is nice. I do wish it came in all black so it would hide against his coat but I think that’s just my own preference. Boy that sounded negative but for a dog that pulls this is a very good option. My dog didn’t mind putting it on unlike his halter. You can completely unbuckle it so no difficult stepping in and out, and it’s labeled so you know how to put it on each time.

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