Mlinček za poper Peugeot Paris u'Select, 7 col, Natural 7 col Natural




PREDNOST SVEŽE ZMLETIH ZAČIMB Sveže mlet poper, sol, zelišča in začimbe imajo številne prednosti za kuhanje in začimbe. Kakovosten mlin s posebno oblikovanim mehanizmom za mletje bo sprostil arome in eterična olja te začimbe. Sveže mleti poper in začimbe imajo večjo aromo in boljši okus kot predhodno mleti. Druga prednost uporabe sveže mletih začimb ali mineralov (soli) je nadzor, ki ga mlin omogoča za določanje grobosti (velikosti) mletja. Visokokakovosten mlin za poper, sol ali začimbe vam omogoča, da izberete in spremenite grobost po okusu ali potrebi. KAKO IZBRATI DOBER MLIN Ko iščete mlinček za poper, sol ali začimbe, razmislite o naslednjem: Mehanizem za mletje: izberite mehanizem za mletje, ki je kos vsakodnevni uporabi: tak, ki je dobro izdelan in omogoča enakomerno mletje. Idealno bi bilo, če bi bil mehanizem za mletje zasnovan tako, da obdeluje določeno začimbo, saj ima vsaka začimba različne fizikalne lastnosti, ki jim bodo koristile različne oblikovne značilnosti. Dizajn in videz: Ne glede na to, ali je tradicionalen ali sodoben, ročni ali električni, je mlin lahko nepogrešljiv pripomoček v vaši kuhinji in čudovit del namizne dekoracije. Enostavnost uporabe: Kakovosten mlin mora biti enostaven za nastavitev, enostaven za polnjenje in udoben v roki. ZGODOVINA PEUGEOTA Peugeotova zgodba se začne v 19. stoletju, ko sta brata Peugeot preuredila družinski mlin v livarno jekla. Takoj po odprtju so začeli proizvajati nagrajena ročna orodja in nadaljevali s proizvodnjo široke palete izdelkov izjemne kakovosti, vključno z malimi aparati, kolesi in predvsem avtomobili. (Čeprav zdaj deluje kot ločeno podjetje, avtomobilsko podjetje Peugeot nadaljuje enako zavezanost kakovosti in inovativnosti, ki je prepoznavni znak Peugeota). Leta 1840 je Peugeot izdelal svoj kavni mlinček v stilu burr in leta 1874 prevzel to zasnovo za namestitev poprovih zrn. Nastala zasnova mehanizma za poper se še danes uporablja v vsakem mlinčku za poper Peugeot. Peugeotov ikonični dizajn mehanizma za mletje paprike je pogosto kopiran, vendar nikoli enak. Danes Peugeot ponuja šest edinstvenih mehanizmov, specifičnih za začimbe, in originalni mlinček za kavo v obliki brusov. Bližnjic ni: vsak mehanizem je zasnovan tako, da kar najbolje izkoristi začimbe, ki so jim namenjene. Po več kot 160 letih ostajajo mlinčki in mlinčki Peugeot merilo v panogi in so si prislužili položaj mlinčka izbire v kuhinjah svetovnega razreda. VSE GRE ZA MEHANIZME. Glavna razlika med Peugeotom in vsemi drugimi znamkami so specifične začimbe. mehanizmi. Peugeot ima 7 edinstvenih začimbnih mehanizmov za poper, sol, zelišča in začimbe, kavo, mokro sol, čili papriko in muškatni orešček. Za vsako začimbo je na voljo en – in samo en – Peugeotov mehanizem za mletje, vsak je izdelan po idealnem dizajnu in izdelan iz najboljšega materiala, ki je na voljo za predvideno uporabo. Peugeotov mehanizem za mletje popra je dvostopenjski sistem v obliki rezila. Med proizvodnjo se utori v obliki spirale in brusilni zobje mehanizma za poper posamično izrežejo, preden je jeklo utrjeno, da je praktično neuničljivo. Mehanizem je nato zaščiteno obdelan za dodatno zaščito pred korozijo. Med uporabo utori v obliki spirale vodijo cela poprova zrna skozi mehanizem, da počijo, nato pa z dvojno vrsto zob zmeljejo na enakomerno velikost. Pri tem postopku se sprostijo eterična olja paprike, zaradi česar ima vaša jed več okusa in arome. Ta patentirani mehanizem je prisoten v vsakem mlinčku za poper Peugeot in na splošno velja za najboljši razpoložljiv mehanizem za poper. Peugeotov mehanizem za drobljenje soli ima dve rebrasti plošči, ki delujeta za lomljenje in drobljenje grobe, suhe morske soli na enakomerno velikost. Mehanizem za mletje soli je izdelan iz nerjavečega jekla, odpornega proti koroziji, in je prisoten v vsaki Peugeotovi mlini soli. PEUGEOT INNOVATIONu'Select je Peugeotov patentiran sistem za nadzor mletja za električne in ročne mlinčke. Poleg osebnih preferenc različne stopnje postopka priprave/kuhe in različne jedi pogosto zahtevajo začimbe različnih velikosti. Peugeot zdaj ponuja možnost hitre, enostavne in natančne prilagoditve nastavitev mletja s svojim patentiranim sistemom u'Select. Od grobo mletega popra ali soli do zelo finega, u'Select ponuja: -6 vnaprej določenih stopenj mletja za poper ali katero koli vmesno točko. -6 vnaprej določenih stopenj mletja za sol ali katero koli vmesno točko. Enostavnost : samo zavrtite obroč na dnu mlina in izberite velikost mletja. Bolj kot obračate obroč, bolj fino ali grobo je mletje, odvisno od smeri obračanja. Natančnost: ni tveganja, da bi se mletje med uporabo spremenilo. Pravilno mletje: Zagotovljeni ste, da bo z vsako nastavitvijo mletje vedno enakomerno. FINO ALI GROBO MLETO - ALI JE SAMO VPRAŠANJE OKUSA? Pravzaprav je odvisno od osebnega okusa in jedi, ki jo pripravljate. Medtem ko osebni okus igra pomembno vlogo, nekatere jedi zahtevajo grobo sol ali poper, medtem ko druge zahtevajo eno ali oboje fino zmleto. Bolj fino mletje bo uporabljeno za občutljivo omako ali mešano surovo zelenjavo, grobo mletje pa za peko zrezka na žaru ali pri pripravi močnejšega mesa in jedi. ANATOMIJA MLINOV U'SELECT Ti mlini imajo inovativen sistem u'Select. Mlini u'Select imajo enake priznane mehanizme za mletje, lepoto in funkcionalnost kot klasični mlini Peugeot z dodatno funkcijo enostavne izbire mletja. Ko želite prilagoditi mletje soli/popra na bolj grobo ali fino, preprosto zavrtite obroč u'Select na dnu mlinčka. Izberete lahko enega od šestih vnaprej označenih položajev ali katero koli vmesno točko za neskončne možnosti. Vaš izbor se ne bo premaknil ali spremenil, dokler tega ne želite. Ročni mlinčki Za najboljše rezultate mletja: ohišje mlinčka držite pri miru in obrnite vrh mlinčka le v smeri urinega kazalca. Električni mlinčki Pritisnite stikalo za vklop, da zmeljete poper ali sol. Ko pritisnete stikalo za vklop, bo pod mlinom zasvetila lučka. u'Select Ring: Čim ožji je klin, tem bolj fino je mletje. KATERO POPOR IN KATERO SOL LAHKO UPORABLJATE V MLINIH PEUGEOT? Poper: Za najboljše rezultate priporočamo, da uporabite samo suha, trda, cela popra v zrnu s premerom 5 mm (1/4) ali manj. Zrna črnega, belega in suhega zelenega popra lahko zmeljete v mlinčkih za poper Peugeot. Rožnati poper se lahko zmelje le v mešanici (največ 15 % rožnatega) z enim od teh drugih poprovih zrn. Za mehanizem za poper so primerna tudi posušena semena koriandra. Sol: Da bi kar najbolje izkoristili svoj mehanizem za mletje soli Peugeot, uporabite: suho sol, idealno s premerom 4 mm (0,16), kot je groba morska ali kamena sol (sol, pridobljena iz podzemnih solnih plasti). Mlina za sol Peugeot ne uporabljajte za mletje popra ali drugih začimb ali vlažne morske soli (znane tudi kot siva sol, Guerande, Re itd.). V vlažni soli je vsebnost vlage tako visoka, da bo razjedala mlin. Uporabite Peugeotov mlin za mokro sol z mehanizmom, posebej zasnovanim za mokro sol. Njegova oblika in materiali so zasnovani tako, da so odporni na solno korozijo.

IZDELAN BUKOV LES — Vsi naši mlini so izdelani iz lesa s certifikatom PEFC, pridobljenega iz lokalnih trajnostno upravljanih gozdov in barv na vodni osnovi. Vsak izdelek je poroka iznajdljivosti in elegance, zasnovan tako, da barve in ukrivljene linije oddajajo izjemen čar v vašem domu. PRIPRAVLJENI NA ZAČINJENJE – Naši mlini so delno napolnjeni za takojšnje uživanje z našim črnim poprom Tan Hoi iz Vietnama, ki ima lesne, tople odtenke. Poper je na voljo za nakup v Peugeot 6 oz. (175g) kocke. Za ponovno polnjenje preprosto odvijte zgornji gumb, dvignite vrh in vanjo vsujte poprova zrna (največja velikost ¼-palca/6 mm). IZBOLJŠAJTE OKUS — Mehanizem u’Select poudari vso aromatično globino popra z izbiro pravega mletja po vašem okusu. Zelo fino mlet poper bo poudaril njegovo začimbo, bolj grobo mlet pa bo poudaril njegovo aromo in okus. Poiščite svoj Peugeot trenutek in uživajte v umetnosti francoskega življenja z našimi instrumenti okusa. NATANČNO MLETJE – Skozi dve stoletji izkušenj smo strokovno izdelali vsak mlin za poper in mehanizem posebej za konsistenco in obliko poprovih zrn. Zobnike izdelujemo iz nerjavečega jekla s patentirano obdelavo za preprečevanje korozije in rje. U’SELECT SETTINGS — Naš patentirani sistem vam pomaga izbrati želeno mletje. Zasukajte, da ustvarite svoje natančno ravnovesje okusa s šestimi nastavitvami, od zelo finega do zelo grobega. Dvostopenjski mehanizem za mletje najprej brez težav poči, nato pa zrna popra zmelje do želene grobosti. IKONSKI MLIN ZA POPER — Mlinček za poper Paris u’Select iz naravnega lesa izboljša okuse jedi, ki jih ustvarite. Natančno in enakomerno mletje sta ključni besedi za ta Peugeotov simbolični mlin. Zasnovan in izdelan v Franciji.
Brand Peugeot
Color Natural
Customer Reviews 4.6 4.6 out of 5 stars 3,237 ratings 4.6 out of 5 stars
Is Discontinued By Manufacturer No
Is Dishwasher Safe No
Item Dimensions LxWxH 6 x 18 x 6 inches
Item model number 23386
Item Weight 0.27 Kilograms
Item Weight 9.5 ounces
Manufacturer Peugeot
Material Wood
Operation Mode Manual
Product Dimensions 6 x 18 x 6 inches


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Scritto da: VictorianRose
Best pepper grinder I've ever purchased.
As the title states, this is the best grinder I've ever purchased. Fine grind actually means a fine grind unlike the other brand I bought a year or so ago. It is a handsome piece of fine quality. I've enjoyed it so much I plan to purchase another in a different color for my peppercorn blend. We go through a lot of pepper and I'm happy I spent the money and got a product that works so well. Worth the price? Absolutely
Scritto da: Richard Johnson
France Might Not Win Wars, But They Crushed It On The Pepper Mill Front Like the Peppercorn That The Competition Truly Is
Oh. My. God. This thing is MAGNIFICENT. I pulled it from the box with great trepidation because I bought another brand, the Trudeau 071322 Excalibur, and it had big flaws and a rusty screw on the grinding mechanism with the chrome plating worn off of the mechanism, and the replacement was really rusted over. Go over there and see the photos, I'm not kidding. After two of those Trudeau demo units/factory rejects, I was over it and decided to spend twice the money and get this Peugeot, hoping they would do it right and give me a flawless product. They did. I liked the darker chocolate color, but reasoned that with this natural color Peugeot, they couldn't hide any flaws behind paint or stain. Wise move, if I don't say so myself. This thing looks better in your hand than in the photo. Beautiful. Where the Trudeau had rough turnings with more raspy cross-grain grooves turned on lathes with dull tools and were lacking enough sanding and stain, this Peugeot has totally smooth grooves and beads, and was sanded to a very fine and smooth finish. Just beautiful. Somebody there really takes great pride in his work. I looked underneath at the grinder mechanism and it was spotless and new, unlike the trash that was dumped on me twice by the people at Trudeau. It's hard not to just caress this thing in your hands like a beautiful woman. The curves...the smoothness...the attention to detail. Who would think that a pepper mill could be downright sexy? I'll have to see if this thing can be modified with a Fleshlight insert...but I digress. Since the teeth of the mill draw the peppercorns down into the mechanism as you turn the top clockwise, I figured it goes to reason that the reverse would be true. The first thing I wanted to do is see how finely it would grind. I thought that somebody might have ground some pepper in it before, and I wanted all of the large particles out of the grinding mechanism so it would be at minimum tolerances for the level 1 grinding. SO...I turned the pepper mill upside down, then turned the top counterclockwise, pulling any bits of pepper out of the mechanism to the inside of the storage compartment! This cleared the mechanism of all peppercorn pieces. Then I turned it right side up again. With it set on level 1, I commenced to grinding, and it made a really nice and fine powder. Not like flour or anything, but a very nice fine grind. What is that I smell wafting up to my nares? I then leaned close and gently sniffed the pepper aroma. Aaaaaaahhh...I'm in love. Then it was time to max out the size and see what that looked like. Nice, decent sized pieces, but not so big as to be obnoxious. I could see putting these on a steak and pounding them into the meat. I love the markings on the wood to select the grind size, and the Peugeot logo. They're tastefully applied and in a nicely contrasting brown color, not stark black. This natural wood is really beautiful and flawless, I could not be happier. I've never held a nicer pepper mill in my hands. These Peugeot boys have this s*** down. If you want a big wooden peppermill that looks great and puts out the perfect grind, look no further. I'm just giddy about it. People at work have been laughing at my excitement about a pepper mill. They don't understand. I'm not going to make them understand by transporting my treasured Peugeot to work, where some jackhole might drop it on a concrete floor or lose the nut off the top. They can keep their grubby mitts off of my U'Select. They can't believe I spent $90 on a pepper mill, but I'm the kind of guy who feels this way: if you're going to buy something you have to live with, make it quality. Spend the extra bucks to get great performance and value. It only hurts when you lay down the money. From then on, you're in paradise every time you use it. I also bought an OXO, which is a great little grinder, for guests, but they better keep their stinkin' hooks off of my Peugeot Paris U'Select, or they'll draw back nubs! I never thought I'd say something good about France, but Peugeot earned it! Five stars!!! UPDATE: I ate some fish, shrimp and basmati rice two nights ago, and it just didn't taste as good as the night before. Then it came to me at about 3:30 in the morning as I woke up from a dead sleep: somehow I forgot to use the Peugeot Paris U'Select to apply some pepper! I was pissed off the rest of the night and the next day!!! You know, when I'm about to die and somebody asks if I have any regrets, that will be the one.
Scritto da: SteveTheBusinessman
Easy to fill, small grind, easy to use
This replaces a smaller "Asian" model and I can see why wirecutter found this brand to be excellent. Easy to refil, smooth grind, good capacity.
Scritto da: Jim B
Love it!
Nhave now had the pepper mill for a few months. Absolutely love it! The setting stays fixed, easy to fill, easy to use even with my arthritis in my thumbs and hands.
Scritto da: Judie Garner
WOW !!
Beautiful Pepper Grinder(Holds a lot of Peppercorns) and looks so nice on my table.It came wrapped very good in bubble wrap and taped well.I debated on buying this for a few days because of some reviews but so glad I decided to buy it,I got the 10.63" and love it.I love being able to select different grinds,6 total.To fill with peppercorns wrap you thumb and index fingers around the top,let fingers extend above top and fill,very quick and easy ,do not fill all the way to top but almost or your top will not go on.I got the Chocolate color and it is so pretty,not black but almost.It was on sale when I bought it but would be worth the regular price to me.I am 78 years old with arthritis in my hands and fingers and they do not hurt when grinding the pepper corns and I use it 2-3 times a day.Have had it for 2 weeks now.Thank you Peugeot Paris for such a wonderful product.
Scritto da: Rick
The best pepper mill
All good The item is exactly what we expected.
Scritto da: Michael Fenton
Excellent Quality Pepper Mill
This is a great pepper mill and the u'Select is definitely the way to go instead of the version with the knob adjustment on top. With the knob adjustment on top, it is difficult to adjust the grind size but with the u'Select you just choose your setting and get exactly what you want.
Scritto da: RBLCookMan
Works Beautifully
This pepper grinder is stylish and simple and effective to use. The grinding mechanism is adjustable from fine to coarser grinds and back, with just a twist of the base. I use it all the time and recommend it highly.
Scritto da: D. James
Peugeot are simply the best
I've used Peugeot salt and pepper Mills for ages, my last one was good for 12 years(!) and so I wanted another Peugeot to replace it. This one is a little larger and lovely to hold in he hand. The brass nut on top is beautifully finished and looks great. I always like the natural wood look and this is finished very nicely. It grinds perfectly, with plenty of adjustment available. Yes it's expensive, but it's worth every penny. I hope you find my review helpful.
Scritto da: E M Hawkes
Worth buying
A quality engineered pepper mill. Very impressed and not overly priced. I wish I had opted for the slightly larger version.
Scritto da: W. Li
Form and function
Having had plenty of pepper mills over the years there really is a difference in quality. Not horribly expensive but the grind you get on these are fantastic, and repeatable. Fill chamber is a good size. If dial is tight to turn, loosen the top nut a little. Excellent finish and great design. These are a definite staple in the kitchen.
Scritto da: Anil Kumar
Five Stars
This product is better than I thought.
Scritto da: dkwil
Nice, but expensive
It looks good, and comes with some peppercorns in it for initial use. The ability to vary the size of the grind is useful (but you rotate the bottom, not the top as in the instruction leaflet). It just seems very expensive.

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